Spacebar Hits Per Ten Seconds | Challenge

Things are getting pretty serious with this Spacebar Hits Per Ten Seconds Challenge. So don’t throw away a second of your time and get started with this fantastic spacebar challenge by clicking on the play button below.

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Hits in Second(s)

So, things are starting to get spicier with this spacebar challenge. As we know that the time constraint is a bit flexible in this challenge. Therefore, it is hard to catch up with higher HPS scores in this challenge. Nevertheless, you guys can still achieve some good spacebar clicks in this challenge with a bit of consistent spacebar tapping.

Features of Spacebar Hits Per Ten Seconds Challenge

Joltfly | Spacebar Hits Per Ten Seconds HPS-Features

Did you know that the most spacebar hits ever recorded on this challenge are 168 making it 16.8 HPS. Try your luck breaking this record if you can dare to.